INDOOR SOCCER LOCATIONS Directions to Wahiawa District Park From H-2, Take Exit 8 - Wahiawa, Turn Right at California Ave, pass Cane St., Turn left into parking next to baseball field.
Directions to Kaneohe District Park From H-3, Take Exit 9 - HI-63 (LikeLike Hwy), Exit HI-83 (Kahekili Hwy), Turn Left at Keaahala Rd., parking lot on left.
INDOOR SOCCER LOCATIONS Directions to Whitmore Community Park From H-2, Take Exit 8 - Wahiawa, Turn Right at Whitmore Ave
Directions to Mililani District Park From H-2, Take Exit 5A - Mililani Mauka, Turn Left at Ainamakua Dr., Turn Left at Ukuwai St. |